Consider this scenario: you're surfing through YouTube and are suggested to watch some YouTuber or influencer's morning ritual, so you do. They show a complex and thorough morning routine from their custom calendar, beginning with waking up at 4:30 every morning, then using the restroom, drinking water, making coffee, reading for an hour/meditating, working out, writing, making & eating breakfast, and getting dressed for the day, all before 7:30 am.
Now, how do you feel about your morning routine? Does it make you question how to create a daily timetable or routine? What about at night?
Are you the type of person who makes mental to-do lists or timetables because you don't know where to begin? Or have you ever looked at your custom calendar and become so overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done that you don't know what to accomplish for the day, causing you to get paralyzed and do nothing at all?
As Christians, we have a commandment to follow: to honor God in whatever we do. We forget to align with God as we are immersed in our tight schedules. We are so focused on ourselves and having the appropriate routines detailed in our personalized calendar.
As Christians, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are asked to use the time we have been given wisely by developing a routine, organizing a timetable, or writing down our God-given ideal day on our custom calendar. We are not to be concerned with ourselves or our kingdoms, but rather, with expanding God's kingdom and giving Him praise while living our lives and days to the fullest and learning and becoming more like Jesus in His righteousness.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself
Before you create any timetable, routine, or strategy for your week or day, you must first determine the following:
1. What areas do you want to develop or improve?
2. Why?
3. What are some things you'd prefer to eliminate or reduce?
While asking yourself these questions, keep in mind that God wants to be a part of your custom calendar, and He is the one who directs our movements. (See Proverbs 16:9)
Remember what we stated at the beginning of this piece about wanting to plan and schedule more practically? God never intended for us to live fast-paced, always busy, and hustling.
This is because when we start living that crazy, jam-packed life, especially being solidly busy the entire day with no downtime to spend with the Lord or enjoy Sabbath, we begin to worship the schedules and agendas in our custom calendar more than God.
I'm sure we can all relate to that. However, as Christians, we are expected to remember our Lord God at all times so that we do not forget Him and begin to live for ourselves. To keep this from happening to you, here are three strategies to incorporate God into your routine before, during, and after. Mark it on your custom calendar.
In your custom calendar, set aside a time for prayer – whether it’s in the morning as soon as you wake up or at night before you sleep. Ask Him what you should do and how you should accomplish certain tasks, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed by your duties, to-dos, and ambitions. Pray for guidance and assistance in becoming more consistent and sticking to the plans you have.
God is concerned with what you pray about, even if it is as insignificant as your timetable or personalized calendar. You can also ask Him to expose anything that isn't of Him that needs to be removed from your custom calendar - this is a sobering reminder that we aren't in command, but God is.
Also, remember to give Him time and space to talk to you, whether that is through sitting still, listening to praise music, or writing down what He says to you on your planner or Christian calendar.
You can also pray when arranging your schedule logged in your custom calendar, as well as while performing those chores or achieving those goals and habits throughout the day. That is a terrific way to remind yourself that you are not in control, that it is not about you, and that you are doing this in the strength of God Almighty rather than your own.
You may be the type of person who would schedule your day around everything you wanted and needed to get done, leaving no time for anyone or talking on the phone to catch up or listen to someone who needed to talk. But here's the thing: God will use His people to do good acts and pour His love into those who need it the most, but how can we do so if we don't make space for it in our Christian calendar?
In any case, God's miracles will not cease, even if we do not make room for them in our custom calendar - He will make it happen with or without us. Our lives and schedules are not for or about us; they are about giving God glory by reaching out and being present for our church, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Even if we don't get things done one day or another, we are still supposed to fulfill God's purpose and goal through our timetable and by being loose and flexible.
We are not suggesting that you drop all of your responsibilities or delegate critical work in the name of love. We are suggesting to remember to make room and space for God's love by being conscious and flexible with your custom calendar, such as getting the task done first before calling a friend who is grieving.
Remember that even if the seasons change, God remains the same.
We just want to remind you that we are flawed individuals who make mistakes, sleep in, have terrible days, and don't always get it right. Amid our hectic days and activities, we forget to remember God.
Yes, there are times in your custom calendar when you are less busy and have more time for God and prayer, and seasons when you are extremely busy, such as when you move, start a new job or school, have a baby, and plan a wedding and adjust to marriage, among many others.
As you go over your duties, to-do lists, goals, or behaviors that you want to achieve and maintain, remember to include God. That doesn't mean you should put Him on the back burner or give Him the time you have left AFTER everything else in your custom calendar is done for the day.
For example, instead of checking your phone for the first hour after waking up, why not spend that peaceful time reading the Word, reading a devotional, praying, journaling, listening to praise music, or giving thanks? Even if you haven't always prioritized God, even if it feels difficult or even a little sacrifice on your part, it's never too late to start today. Set aside a time for it on your custom calendar.
You may have slept in, were too busy doing something else, or were in a stressful season with kids, housework, or work, and you always say you can squeeze in 5-15 minutes with God during those open pockets of time throughout the day. God knows your heart and your intentions, so believe us when we declare that those who are in Christ Jesus are beyond judgment (Romans 8:1). This can be related to making church or bible study groups a priority.
Amid our shifting schedules and goals, God remains constant. So, let us make a note on our custom calendar to remember God and to continue to grow in our faith and all aspects of our lives.
In actuality, we could chat about this for hours because we adore the idea of putting God first in our Christian calendar, and aligning His will with yours. Putting your words into action can be the deciding factor between YOUR schedule and GOD'S schedule. Take the risk of incorporating God into your life and behavior because it can make all the difference. The difference is when YOUR schedule and attitude collaborate with GOD'S plan and goals for the year and your life.
Final Word
If you like to keep your day and tasks in mind, or if you have the perfect custom calendar, we hope and pray that this has taught you not to over-commit and not to stress yourself out every second of the day.
We tend to do too much for the day or week. We can only get better from here, and God is teaching us a lot about trusting Him with our days and routines. Because, in reality, He is in complete control, not us. So, one day at a time, we can live out our mission by following God's word.
For your custom calendar printing needs, contact Saving Grace Christian Bookstore. The local Christian bookstore is working with a reliable printing company to come up with high-quality custom calendar printing at affordable prices.
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