Christians all over the world, including Middletown, Delaware, value the Bible because it serves as a guide. A great deal of knowledge about our creator and the life of Jesus Christ strengthens our faith and is very helpful in our daily lives.
Following are some teachings from the Bible to think about.
The Bible teaches the meaning of prayer, and how to pray properly. In fact, Jesus Christ himself taught his followers the proper way to pray and communicate with God. While it doesn’t always seem so, every prayer is heard and answered by God, although the answer is not always a YES. Sometimes, God answers with a NO or NOT YET, but He always answers prayers. We only have to listen.
Attending Sunday Christian service in Middletown, Delaware to hear and share God’s word with the community is one of the best Christian gifts you can ever receive. It pleases God to see His children gather as one to worship Him.
Make love your life's driving principle. Jesus instructed those who follow Him, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one toward another" (John 13:35). Love one another. It is the best evidence that we are Christians.
In the Bible or Christian book, God communicates in different ways. These ways can be considered God’s Christian gifts to us. It is crucial to be aware of these ways and then asks ourselves if we are truly listening to Him.
Let us give you a quick rundown of how God speaks in the Christian book. In order for us to listen, we must see not only that God speaks, but also how He speaks - even if we are in Middletown, Delaware, or anywhere else in the world.
Jonah was originally addressed by God, but Jonah disregarded God's voice. God then communicated to Jonah through a variety of situations, including his encounter with a large fish and the subsequent withering of the vine that had grown up to provide shade for him (Jonah 1–4). Examining our circumstances and asking ourselves if we are hearing from the Lord in them is important. Two questions to ask yourself are: What is going on in my life right now? What is the Lord trying to tell me through this situation?
This is demonstrated throughout Proverbs. We can discern God's voice when we seek godly counsel. The Scripture is constantly complemented by this advice. We don't expect intelligent, godly mentors in the Lord to hear from God on our behalf; rather, we ask them to prayerfully confirm that what we have received from the Lord is accurate.
Colossians 3:15, states that God's peace can reign in our hearts. It doesn't just mean "God is in our hearts." It implies that He influences us in the choices we make. A choice is not from the Lord if we don't feel at peace with it. If you are not at peace, do not proceed.
The Christian book, the Bible, is filled with shining examples of this pattern where God speaks to His people via the lives of wise and holy individuals.
The lives of Joseph, Solomon, Jacob, Peter, John, and Paul all exhibit this pattern, and we may still experience it today in Middletown, Delaware, or anywhere else in the world (see Acts 2:17 where Peter quotes Joel 2:28).
According to Amos 4:13, God reveals His ways to us through our thoughts. While Joseph was pondering matters in Matthew 1:19–21, God spoke to him. Here, we must exercise caution since not all of our thoughts are inspired by the Lord. The Devil can also implant thoughts in our minds and we can just come up with ideas on our own. Therefore, we must determine whether a thought is from God whenever we have one. Does it accord with the Bible? Does it in any way go against God's nature?
In Romans 1:18–20, it is written that God can make Himself known by nature. The voice of God can be revealed through mountains, water, trees, meadows, landscapes, and more. In John 12:27–30, God spoke from heaven, but when God spoke in this incident, some people who stood nearby thought they were hearing thunder. There’s the possibility that this could happen today in Middletown, Delaware, or anywhere else in the world.
Sometimes if we hear thunder, or see floods or hurricanes in Middletown, Delaware or high winds or volcanoes, it may actually be the voice of God.
Moses heard God's voice from a flaming bush (Ex. 3:1–4). He communicated with Gideon using a fleece (Judg. 6:37–40). On the Damascus road, via a dazzling light, he spoke to Saul (Acts 9:1–5). He even used a donkey to communicate with Balaam (Num. 22:1–35).
The Christian book is consistently the voice of God in the sense that God spoke through it (2 Tim. 3:16). The fact that the Bible is alive and active means that God can use it to speak to us in particular by calling our attention to a particular section (Heb. 4:12).
God can communicate with us in our quietness. He spoke to Elijah in this manner (1 Kings 19:12).
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