What is the use of reading a tangible Bible and Christian books from the leading Delaware Christian bookstore in an age where more information is created every year than all of the histories of religion combined? While there are numerous benefits to reading a Bible on your phone or tablet, why should you read a printed and bound copy of Scripture?
Here are three strong reasons to crack open your own Bible and other Christian books from Saving Grace Christian Bookstore.
Some individuals live as if the Scripture is beneath them. It is as if God's Word has no power over them. Others feel that tradition and science have equal power with the Bible. Christians, on the other hand, live under the authority of God's Word.
When Ezra read the book of the Law in front of the people of Israel, they stood reverently beneath the Word and received it as it was preached from the platform (Ezra 8:1-8). We live under the authority of the Bible because it comes from God, and exposes Himself to us.
The Ten Commandments were placed in the Ark of the Covenant when God spoke to Israel on Mount Sinai, and God's presence hovered above. The Ark became a symbol of God's authority and presence amid his people (Exod. 25:16, 21).
Carrying a tangible Bible, just as the Ark carried God's Word and presence with Israel wherever they went, expresses allegiance and obedience to Christ more than a phone or tablet ever could. Our Delaware Christian bookstore makes this possible.
"A Bible that is falling apart frequently implies a soul that is not," an old proverb goes. God urged rulers in Israel to prepare their copy of the Scripture to carry with them and "read in it all the days" of their lives (Deut. 17:18-19). A Bible that is frequently opened becomes a familiar and personal book.
Some argue that you should never write in a Bible because God's Word should be regarded with reverence. But some write in a Bible because it helps them process what they’re learning and keeps track of their spiritual growth. If you open their Bible, you'd find many underlined words, bracketed verses, margin notes, coffee stains, and bookmarks.
There are numerous ways to deliberately write in your Bible. Use the blank pages in the front and back to record noteworthy occasions or seasons in your spiritual life, or to write down impactful truths that have grown dear to you. Furthermore, Christian book distributors frequently market Bibles with distinct types of readers in mind.
To take notes at church or during your devotions, utilize a journaling Bible or one with ample margins. When taking notes, a pencil allows you to revise or clean up your notes, while certain pens or markers bleed less through pages. You can get your own Bible, as well as note-taking materials from our Delaware Christian bookstore, Saving Grace Christian Bookstore.
Despite the digital revolution, the Scripture remains the world's most popular book. When you're reading the Bible on your phone, you're bombarded with unrelated digital notifications. Having a digital copy can be a terrific tool, but it also comes with the temptation to go elsewhere.
The conclusion of Psalm 19 is particularly relevant to modern Scripture readers: Keep your servant safe from arrogant sins; let them not have authority over me! Then I will be blameless and innocent of great sin. Let my words and my heart's meditation be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer (Ps. 19:13-14).
For some, their phone has robbed them of more devotional hours than I'd like to admit. Compared to actual Christian books that don't transmit notifications, texts, or alerts, opening a tangible copy of the Bible allows you to put social media and emails aside and focus on what God has said. Put your phone aside before you begin your devotional time. Then get your Holy Book and a cup of coffee and pray. Ask God to assist you in engaging with His Word as you read it, so that He may "open [your] eyes to see beautiful things out of [His] law" (Ps. 119:18).
Keeping your Bible open throughout the church service, small group, and devotional times will help you focus on the text rather than tomorrow's emails. Interacting with an open book is the best way to prepare the soul for God's contact.
You are surrendering to Christ's authority and treasuring his grace when you read your Scripture. This is why an open Bible is the clearest indication of a person's devotion to the Lord. Opening your Bible nurtures your spirit in ways that your phone cannot, and it demonstrates how the Word bears weight in our lives for all who observe.
Visit us at Saving Grace Christian Bookstore to look through our collection of religious literature or purchase a copy of your favorite Christian books from your favorite Christian authors, as well as a tangible copy of God’s Word – the Bible. We have several options available, including Bible study guides, Children’s Bible, NIV Bibles, Jesus Storybook Bibles, NASB Bibles, KJV study Bibles, pocket Bibles, Men’s devotional Bible, Women’s Bible, and more.
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